The fall colors are so beautiful right now. It can be too easy to pass them by without so much as a glance though. There’s a lot going on in the world, much of it beyond our control and that can feel overwhelming. It’s important to be reminded that we can be there for each other. When we take time to notice and help others, we realize that our life has meaning and this has proven to increase our own self worth.

Everything we are experiencing is a part of our story and the power resides within each of us to decide how we can live a meaningful life. Our mood can be uplifted by the simple action of smiling at someone we see all the time but never really look at. We can help by holding the door open for others, picking up litter, holding space for someone that needs to cry, and by truly listening to each other. When we need to fill our own cup we must be sure to take care of our physical body – eat well, go for a run, take a deep breath or many. The physical body is not so we can feel worthy of others’ love. We take care of the physical body so that we can use this vessel to serve others, so that we can sit on the floor and play with our children, and live long enough to share inspiring teachings and stories with the next generation.
In all of the busy-ness of the season, take time for yourself, read a good book, write, spend time with nurturing friends, and turn off screens for extended periods of time. Every moment is an opportunity to evolve, and every encounter an opportunity to serve.
Decide for yourself, what kind of person you want to be and even if it’s just for today, start moving in that direction. It can seem daunting to even begin to choose happiness for ourselves when we are weighed down with the brutality around the world, our own expectations, and stress, but there’s an intelligence that moves within each one of us filled with purpose that is waiting to be realized.  The same cosmic intelligence that created this magical universe, and these gorgeous fall colors, created you too. You are here and I am thankful for that, because through each other, we can experience our own divine Self.
At the very least, if you have read this far, spend some time outdoors and check out the fall colors, breathe in some fresh air and experience the beauty of the season. These fall colors are enough to be grateful to be here.